Makivvik is the land owner on behalf of all Inuit for 80% of the islands within the Nunavik Marine Region (NMR) and Makivvik is responsible for Entry and Access to these lands as per the provisions in the Nunavik Inuit Land Claims Agreement (NILCA). Land Administration System (LAS) is an online application system for submitting Entry and Access requests. As the land owner, Makivvik ensures who is accessing the lands, and have the ability to review and prohibit certain uses that do not meet the land use criteria. The Entry and Access permit is required for all non-Inuit who wish to access any of the Inuit owned lands within NMR.

Application Review Process

  1. Proponents complete and submit the Entry and Access permit application through the online system
  2. The Department of Environment Wildlife and Research (DEWR) tables the application to the Makivvik Executives for review
  3. Makivvik Corporation Executives either a) Approve the application with specific Terms and Conditions, b) deny the entry and access. Denial of entry and access and the reasons for denial are provided in a letter to the proponent.
  4. For Approvals, proponent is sent two additional forms to date and sign, 1) An Entry and Access Permit, 2) Release of liability
  5. Entry and Access permits must be kept on-site for the duration of the entry and access as stipulated on the Access Permit.

Of utmost importance is to make sure that potential proponents understand that their Entry and Access Application should be filled out and submitted well in advance of the planned activity on Nunavik Inuit Lands.

Click below to access the Land Administration System (LAS)