When a JBNQA beneficiary is exploring how to ship a vehicle, canoe, or anything by sealift, there is an important rebate program to consider when using NEAS.

The Makivvik executive team and some senior staff visited
NEAS’ port facilities in 2022. They are joined here by, third
from left, NEAS Group President and CEO Suzanne Paquin.
NEAS and Makivvik offer beneficiaries a rebate prog
NEAS is a true Nunavik-Inuit-owned company, as Makivvik owns the assets of the company, such as ships, containers, etc.
All dividends paid to Makivvik directly benefit all JBNQA beneficiaries. NEAS has significant experience in handling a wide range of cargo types and is equipped to accommodate and service every site and community in all regions across the Eastern and Western Arctic.
Because it is a subsidiary of Makivvik Corporation, there is a rebate program offered for JBNQA beneficiaries. The rebates vary from $250 to $1,000, depending on the invoice amount.
For example, to ship a Ford F-150, which has a volume of about 25 cubic metres, from Montreal to any Nunavik community, using 2023 rates would cost approximately $5,790 plus tax, if using NEAS.
It would ship from the new NEAS terminal in the Port of Bécancour, which is about 160 km from downtown Montreal. The price includes the reception of the truck at the terminal, storage, loading, marine transportation and offloading at the landing beach in any of the 14 communities of Nunavik. For an invoice between $2,500 and $9,999, as in this example, a beneficiary would be eligible for a $500 rebate.
To access the rebate, NEAS provides the list of Nunavik customers to Makivvik where eligibility for the cargo beneficiary shipping rebate and amounts are determined.
Once the Makivvik list of customers and rebates is complete, NEAS Group executes the refunds.
For information on how to have items dropped off cargo at the terminal and other details, please visit NEAS’ website
at https://neas.ca/how-to-sealift-and-package