Makivvik sat at the table along with KRG’s Sanajiit department at a meeting with the Commission de la construction du Québec (CCQ), union members, employer associations, and the First Nations and Inuit advisory committee to discuss measures CCQ is looking into put in place to facilitate access for Nunavimmiut and First Nations working in the field of construction. The Sanajiit Project for Nunavik apprentice and journeyperson construction workers is focused on developing a strong and autonomous regional construction workforce through the delivery of work placement and training services. The meeting was held November 3 in Montreal.
Prior to and after the Nunavik region was established under CCQ in June 2017, regulations respecting hiring and mobility of construction employees in the industry has been the topic of discussions where CCQ is looking into ways where they could improve their services for Nunavimmiut.

In 2018, CCQ launched a collaborative approach where an advisory committee was created to include First Nations and Inuit. Members of the advisory committee that are part of the collaborative approach are: Apatisiiwin Skills Development, Kahnawake Labor Office, First Nations Human Resources Development Commission of Quebec, Council of the Atikamekw nation, Naskapi Nation of Kawawachikamach and Sanajiit department at Kativik Regional Government. Makivvik has been working closely with Sanajiit on this file both as an Inuit organization representing Nunavimmiut, but also as an employer.

There are different phases in this collaborative approach. Phase 1 was the preparatory work where CCQ mobilized, conducted consultations, and reported to CCQ board of directors. Phase 2 was program planning where they worked on the reference framework, guidelines, and guiding principles. Phase 3, where they are right now, is program development where the work focuses on prioritizing measures, proposing measures and responsibilities, and creating content and schedules. Following this meeting in November, the work is on-going, and more meetings are to be expected although dates have not yet been determined.

Once phase 3 has been completed, phase 4 will be the implementation, launch, and promotion of the program expected sometime in June 2023, barring any unforeseen delays.
Housing 2022 Update

Makivvik Construction has been working hard this fall to complete as many housing units as possible before the holiday period. By December 16, 86 housing units will be ready for new tenants – just in time for the holidays!
Makivvik Construction is looking for motivated individuals to add to its crews. If you are interested in contributing to the housing construction projects in your community, as construction workers or as camp helpers, please reach out to us at: