
Featured web articles

  • Order of Nunavik Awards Conferred

    Two Order of Nunavik awards were announced at this year’s Makivvik AGM in Umiujaq. Daniel Annanack and Josepi Padlayat received the honour, which is conferred annually […]
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  • Putulik Ilisituk – Salluit’s Soft Spoken Renaissance Man

    By Stephen Hendrie On National Indigenous Peoples Day this year I spoke with Putulik Ilisituk on the phone for over an hour. He was at his […]
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  • Working toward Inuit-Driven Child, Youth, and Family Services

    The Nunavik organization working to provide culturally adapted youth protective services in Nunavik is moving closer to self-determination and becoming independent of the Nunavik Regional Board […]
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  • Kwe! Meet With Indigenous Peoples

    Makivvik and Avataq Cultural Institute participated in the annual Kwe! Meet with Indigenous Peoples event in Quebec City in June. Makivvik’s VP Economic Development Andy Moorhouse […]
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  • Beneficiary Rebate Program

    When a JBNQA beneficiary is exploring how to ship a vehicle, canoe, or anything by sealift, there is an important rebate program to consider when using […]
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  • ATANNIUVIK: Towards Nunavik Self-Determination in Research

    By Aleashia Echalook Recently, an important project in Nunavik started to make noise in the news, on social media, and on the radio. Atanniuvik, Nunavik’s new […]
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  • New Negotiators Chosen

    Well-known community leaders Anthony Ittoshat and Tunu Napartuk have been selected by Makivik Corporation to assume the role of Self-Determination negotiators, leading Nunavik’s discussions with both […]
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    ᑲᑎᕕᒃ ᐊᕙᑎᓕᕆᓂᕐᒧᑦ ᐊᔪᖀᒋᐊᕐᑏᑦ ᑲᑎᒪᔩᑦ Comité consultatif de l’environnement Kativik Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee In 2010, a new plant species was discovered in Nunavik – the Puvirnituq […]
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  • High Schooler Wins Inuit Poster Award

    Nunavik Research Centre summer student Christina Uquutaq Lock competed alongside university students last December and came out on top, winning the first ever Inuit Poster Award […]
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  • Food Boxes Delivered

    To offset the cost of living this past winter, Makivvik supplied all Nunavik beneficiary homes with food boxes, both in Nunavik and the Montreal area Based […]
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